Friday, May 2, 2008

Burn Pics

(**UPDATE** These photos don't look the same on all computer monitors. On some monitors, you can barely tell the burns are there. Trust me - the burns were very red in real life!)

Just thought I'd give you a peek at my burns so you can have lots of sympathy for me. The incisions look pretty good... the burn is another thing all together!

My arm pit:



Anonymous said...


They have alternatives for 'sensitive skin' types... and with the irritation that has developed, I would pursue ANY alternative they may offer.

Have Ben kiss that boo-boo and make it better!

TOY! Love, riggin

jojo said...

Think it's a little late for alternatives!


Anonymous said...

Oh my, I forgot about this possibility. It's really something when the adhesive side effect is worse than the incision! Vitaman E cream is good for the skin, plus a call to the doctor to check out alternatives. Hang in there! Can't tell you how many times folks spoke your name in Seattle, all wishing you well. And, the graphic facilitor for the meeting revealed that his wife was diagnosed recently, had finished surgery and chemo, and was heading into radiation. So many of us, and so many victories!

Anonymous said...

Sherri Jo,

I can sympathize. I am very allergic to adhesive too!!! I hae a hard time with bandaids. What about cloth steri-strips? I have found that good ol' cortizone cream helps me a lot. I pray that you will be relieved of this pain soon, but then the itching sets in...I'll pray about that too.

So glad everything else seems to be healing ok.

Love, Cathy

jojo said...

Oh, I so missed Seattle. Will have to depend upon Martha to fill me in on everything. Teresa linked me to the blog of the graphic facilitator's wife. Great to read someone else's journey.

Cathy - Oh the itching is driving me crazy!!! Actually o.d. on benadryl last week trying to calm the itch. But everything is getting better.

Anonymous said...

YEOW - I hate that about the adhesive - like you don't have enough to deal with! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of You!


Anonymous said...

I love you Cuz and am constantly checking your blog for more updates. Let me know what you need or what I can do to help...

Susan McLemore Foley

jojo said...

Awww...thanks, cuz! Love you too!